Wednesday, November 18, 2009


According to all the business publications, the recession is supposed to be over. How come most of my small business clients would not agree? Well, surprise surprise! As stated in the article below, the business magazine economists forgot about the importance of us small business people. We do make up a large part of the economy.

Small-business recession is still holding back recovery Sachs economist Jan Hatzius has argued that troubled small businesses aren't being taken into account in the official estimation of gross domestic product. "We have argued that the weakness of the small business sector may mean that real GDP in the third quarter in fact grew more slowly than the 3.5% 'advance' estimate," Hatzius wrote, according to this blog post quoting him. In fact, Justin Fox writes, the unemployment numbers for small business are substantially worse than those for big business. Small business isn't getting the credit it needs, and is still suffering in the recession, Fox argues. TIME/The Curious Capitalist blog

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