Wednesday, September 16, 2009

OPINION: 'The Real Culture War Is Over Capitalism'

(Wall Street Journal) -- In a recent op-ed appearing at, American Enterprise Institute president Arthur Brooks writes: "There is a major cultural schism developing in America. But it's not over abortion, same-sex marriage or home schooling ... The new divide centers on free enterprise -- the principle at the core of American culture." Mr. Brooks notes that "the Congressional Budget Office predicts $9.3 trillion in new debt over the coming decade" and predicts "government spending will grow continuously in the coming years as a percentage of the economy -- as will tax collections." He also notes that a recent "Rasmussen poll conducted to choose the better system between capitalism and socialism, 13% of respondents over 40 chose socialism. For those under 30, this percentage rose to 33%." He reasons that "advocates of free enterprise must learn from the growing grass-roots protests, and make the moral case for freedom and entrepreneurship. They have to declare that it is a moral issue to confiscate more income from the minority simply because the government can. It's also a moral issue to lower the rewards for entrepreneurial success, and to spend what we don't have without regard for our children's future." See the op-ed at <>

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